revenues more than offset the trade

Since the weak yen increases the cost of imports and has a tenuous impact on exports, it contributed to a trade deficit in 2024. But the weak yen raised the yen value of repatriated profitsand contributed to a 47 per cent increase in tourism. Primary income inflows and tourism revenues more than offset the trade deficit, pushing the overall Japanes

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underpinned Western stability since

European nations, uncertain of Washington’s reliability, may seek alternative security arrangements, undermining the cohesion that has underpinned Western stability since World War II. Additionally, by engaging in direct negotiations with Moscow without meaningful European participation, Washington risks sidelining key allies such as Germany, Fra

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However, the program faces significant

However, the program faces significant challenges that require attention. While urban centres show high participation rates, rural and tribal areas continue to lag due to infrastructural and cultural barriers. The relatively low representation of Scheduled Tribes (1.3%) and other minorities (0.7%) highlights the need for more targeted outreach to t

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Although the Black Stone or al-Hajar

Although the Black Stone, or al-Hajar al-Aswad in Arabic, makes appearances during the lifetime of Abraham and Muhammad, it supposedly fell to Earth when Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden. It landed where they were to build the first temple, and it was placed into the Kaaba by the Prophet Muhammad in 605 CE. According to tradition, the Black Sto

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and regions due to different cultic

A meteorite currently in the Academy of Sciences of Munich struck Zanzibar in the middle of the 19th century only to be revered by the Wanika tribe until a Maasai cattle raid made them lose respect for it. They promptly sold it to German missionaries. Prehistoric stone tools also developed a type of lore as good luck charms in different periods and

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